Windows Vista Evansville

by Brian on May 15, 2009

Microsoft Windows Vista really got started on the wrong foot. When it was first released in 2007, the software was still full of problems. New computers came pre-installed with the software and users were not openly given the choice of another operating system like Windows XP.

Since the release of Vista, we have sold hundreds of computers and NOT ONE person has requested Windows Vista. Everyone seems to want Windows XP because they have heard all of the fuss about Vista being terrible.

Well a couple of years have passed and Microsoft has released countless updates to the Vista software via the Windows Update Service.

A couple of months ago, I built a new office computer and I used Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit.  I must say I have been VERY impressed by it. One issue with Vista is that it runs slowly on computers with inadequate hardware. A Dual Core Processor and at LEAST 2GB of System Memory (RAM) are needed for Vista to perform at an acceptable level.

On my system I used a fast AMD Dual Core Processor and 8GB of RAM. Overkill, for sure…but RAM is cheap so I went ahead and maxed out the motherboard with memory.

If your Vista computer is running slow and having problems, we can help make your computer run FAST and reliably. Call us today to schedule a service call. Or bring your computer into our shop any day M-F from 8-5. We offer SAME DAY service and FREE diagnostics.
So far, so good. A couple of our technicians are experimenting with the new Windows 7 RC (Release Candidate). Windows 7 is due out this Christmas or early 2010

Hopefully Windows 7 will have a better first couple of years than Windows Vista had.

In any case, the brilliant technicians here at PC TLC, Inc. are here to help.

Whether you have Windows 2000, XP, Vista, MAC, Linux, we can help.


I think my hard drive is crashing

by Brian on March 3, 2009

If you think your hard drive has crashed or is failing, the first thing you need to do is POWER OFF and unplug your computer. The longer a failing hard drive is running in its bad condition, the more your precious files will continue to deteriorate.

Why do hard drives fail?

A hard drive is the hardest working piece of equipment in a computer. Modern hard drives are small boxes inside your computer. Inside these drives are a stack of metalic disks that spin at very high speed. They can spin anywhere from 4000-15,000 revolutions per minute, which equals nearly 170 miles per hour ! When things are moving that quickly, the smallest of internal errors or malfunction can mean disaster for your data.

Some common signs of a failing hard drive are:

  • Disappearing files
  • Very long wait when opening files
  • Errors about “file corruption”
  • Reoccuring error messages when moving/copying files
  • A grinding, clicking, or buzzing type sound (this is VERY bad!! Power down your computer and bring it to us right away)

If any of the above events are happening, it is imperitave that you bring in your computer as quickly as possible. We are the area experts in data recovery. We can use our specialized software and equipment to recovery your data and restore your computer to perfect running condition.